

Welcome to my website. I’m a wedding photographer in Austin, Texas. Enjoy your visit!

Summer Road Trip: Marfa, Texas & Big Bend National Park!

Summer Road Trip: Marfa, Texas & Big Bend National Park!

If you follow me on any social media at all, you know how much I LOVE West Texas. More specifically, Marfa. My friend Jordyn and I took a trip back in August of 2014 to both of these places, and even though it was a million degrees outside (word of advice: don't go in August) it was so worth it. We got to camp underneath the stars and surround ourselves with small town wonders and the beauty of west Texas. I brought both my Canon 5D mkii and Minolta film camera with me, so the images are mixed together below. Enjoy!

In Marfa we stayed at El Cosmico (my go-to place) and visited the following: Prada Marfa (which is actually in Valentine), The Chinati Foundation (I'm a huge Donald Judd fan!), and the Marfa Lights Viewing Area. We camped in Chisos Basin in Big Bend, and it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. 

Birthday Road Trip: Marfa, Texas (and surrounding areas)

Birthday Road Trip: Marfa, Texas (and surrounding areas)